After outfiting Spider-Man with magical armor and mystical powers, Doctor Doom will begin his conquest of the Marvel Universe in The Rise of Emperor Doom. The upcoming five-issue limited series ...
“A global takeover would not be tolerated by a man who bleeds red ... Get ready for a Hulk-sized assault on the senses.” “Hulk has always been my favorite Marvel character, so to play ...
Ahead of ‘Captain America: Brave New World’s highly anticipated release in early 2025, Marvel Studios has officially confirmed a detail about Red Hulk’s powers that comic book fans long suspected.
Ahead of ‘Captain America: Brave New World’s highly anticipated release in early 2025, Marvel Studios has officially confirmed a detail about Red Hulk’s powers that comic book fans long ...
But, now that the full CGI Harrison Ford as Red Hulk thing has been revealed, what other tricks does Marvel have up its sleeve? Within the context of the MCU right now, Thaddeus Ross becoming the ...
It's easy to forget now, but The Incredible Hulk was right there alongside Iron Man in 2008 when the Marvel Cinematic Universe launched. The movie was neither a hit nor a flop, but given the tepid ...