Garden enthusiast Heather Hacking loves when you share what’s growing on. Reach out at [email protected], and ...
Another common disease that can wreak havoc on your Japanese maple trees is Verticillium wilt. In general, most of these diseases are caused by fungal spores that overwinter in the fallen leaves ...
Area nature centers are celebrating an early spring tradition of tapping trees to collect sap and make maple syrup: ...
One Reddit user's photo shows how "mulch volcanoes" could have caused the issues with a maple tree in their yard.
As winter lingers with its blanket of snow, a subtle shift signals the coming of spring — maple syrup season has arrived.
Visitors could also get a taste of maple syrup made on-site with a 4-H pancake breakfast. Trees make up energy from their leaves and get water and nutrients from their roots. Sap serves as the ...
Jennie Mazzone, Penn State Extension Franklin County Master Gardener Coordinator, and Penn State Mont Alto Forestry Instructor February is coming to an end. Warmer days are just around […] ...