The seemingly simple task of caring for his nephew spirals into a bizarre misadventure for the pair, involving a faked injury, a car crash, a visit to a gay club, a lot of lying, and some hard lessons ...
Landman plot Landman is based on the podcast Boomtown, an 11-part documentary podcast that debuted in 2019 and chronicled the oil business in Texas.Here is the official synopsis for Landman: "Set in ...
At the moment, the most popular movies on Netflix are led by the first two Despicable Me movies, which are No. 1 and 2, in reverse order. But there are also plenty of fresh altern ...
SynopsisInvincible is an animated series about the life of an average American teenager, Mark Grayson. He is an ordinary boy who is a comic book geek and struggles to get through his high school days.