Bollywood actor Jaideep Ahlawat’s father passed away in Mumbai on Monday. A statement from the actor’s team read, “We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Jaideep Ahlawat’s beloved father.
What happens in Gordon Buchanan: My Epic Camel Adventure? Having crossed the Canada’s frozen north with a team of huskies and tracked cheetahs in Africa’s Kalahari Desert, Gordon’s latest adventure ...
While a father-son relationship sounds like there can only be so much to a traditionally awkward dynamic, films have made it clear that there’s so much more to it than we can comprehend. From being ...
White House reporter: ‘Michelle Obama has made no secret about her feelings towards Donald Trump’ ...
A Pakistani groom's father took wedding grandeur to new heights by hiring a plane to drop millions of rupees over the bride's house. Weddings in South Asia have long been known for their ...
When Oklahoma father and business owner David Ortega signed a mortgage with Home Masters LLC 15 years ago, he thought he was buying his home from its rightful owner, and that his monthly payments ...
The Cold Chisel frontman is the father of some very talented children. Although he has a badass reputation as one of Australia’s top rockers, Jimmy Barnes has a huge heart. It’s evident in how he ...
He was called by God the Father to minister and offer sacrifice in the temple of creation by serving and guarding the sanctuary of that temple, namely Eden. What about the priesthood after Adam?
Smith explained a valuable lesson he learned from his pastor shortly before giving a eulogy at his father's funeral. Smith said in an interview with Sean Hannity on the new two-part Fox Nation ...
Netflix has a diverse range of shows that focus on this special bond. From heart-melting comedies to dramatic dynamics to thrilling explorations, here we bring you the best father-daughter shows ...