Madagascar is famed for its rich biodiversity and host of cast away creatures. Evolving in isolation from the rest of the world, the plants and animals found here are among the most unique on ...
Labord's chameleons are only found in Western Madagascar and have developed a live fast die young life cycle to cope with the extreme environmental conditions. This deep-sea polar worm looks like ...
Because of its geographic isolation, Madagascar is home to many amazing animals found nowhere else on Earth. Lemurs may have floated there eons ago on “rafts” of vegetation and evolved in ...
Madagascar hissing cockroaches are one of many ... and during the fight often unleash the amazing hisses that give the animal its name. Winning roaches hiss more than losers, so the sounds may ...
Madagascar is not just another tropical island; it is an evolutionary marvel. Over 90% of its wildlife is found nowhere ... It is also home to an amazing primate, the Aye-Aye.