Get ready to roll the dice and shuffle the deck! Harbor Game Con, Brookings' premier gaming convention, is set to return for ...
The riverboat captain is a storyteller. Captain Don Sanders shares the stories of his long association with the river — from ...
I peeled a length of monofilament off The Boy’s reel, threaded it through six guides and the casting top on a bright yellow rod, then set about tying on a hook. One loop through, five wraps around the ...
Kyrie Irving, Kevin Garnett and LeBron James are but three athletes with forays into Hollywood acting, a list that also ...
If you’ve been around Magic for while, then I’m sure you’ve heard this word thrown around ... usually with cheaper Counterspell cards. Against other midrange decks, the tempo pilot will have to make a ...
Pretty much every team has the potential to receive a Commander Deck full of iconic characters, to say nothing of the multiverse shenanigans that MTG is already known for. Fans are still going to ...
That’s right, it’s a Magic space opera, featuring high-tech ships, fascinating planets, and graceful space beasts. As of February 21, Wizards has revealed new details for Edge of Eternities, including ...
Meanwhile, the Standard Edition of the MTG Final Fantasy Commander decks have an equally exorbitant preorder price of $69.99. For those who aren’t familiar with the usual cost for a precon (as ...
Now, that feeling of nostalgia is coming to Magic: The Gathering, and I'm all in. If you're more about playing than collecting, these non-foil Commander Decks offer 100-card decks based on the ...