Lucifer is a supernatural procedural drama that focuses on the devil himself (Tom Ellis) as he tries to turn over a new leaf by helping a police detective (Lauren German) solve crimes. His efforts — ...
This project is my personal mini project I coded using HTML and CSS. This is a landing page for a movie website.
I've got nothing against this highly efficient format, since it takes up less space than JPG and its compression helps power Live Photos and Apple’s excellent image post-processing. But it can ...
Dragon Ball movies don't always get the appreciation they deserve, especially not those from outside the DBZ era.
From legendary 1st generation K-pop singers to today's top stars and trainees, SM presents 30-year legacy SM Entertainment ...
品牌活动和节日不只是展示产品的舞台,更是链接用户情感的桥梁。对如今的消费者来说,汽车也不再是冰冷的工业品,而是代表生活方式与文化符号的载体。 广汽本田联合UPT和灵境至维推出“躁梦元宇宙”,让车迷以虚拟身份加入线上冒险:完成任务、收集 ...