HealthDay News — Use of benzodiazepines is not associated with increased dementia risk in older adults, according to a study published online July 2 in BMC Medicine.
Considering the known morbidity associated with the long-term use of benzodiazepine hypnotics (falls, traffic accidents, etc.), controlled withdrawal of these drugs is recommended in some patients.
tremors (“the shakes”), and nausea to hallucinations and frank seizures—brought on by the sudden stoppage or dosage drop of long-term drug use. It is the clinical manifestation of abrupt ...
Anecdotal reports from our clinical observations and counselor feedback seem to indicate that a large proportion of patients on methadone maintenance use BZD without a prescription (misuse).
How does sex bring partners closer together? Created with Sketch. Sex triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone which fosters bonding and trust. Research suggests that higher oxytocin levels not ...