It gives a short burst when motion is detected. Works exactly as advertised. The best part is it consumes so little water that is also great for water-conserving. ScareCrow Motion Activated Animal ...
That's what we call a win-win. All our best to the 85-year-old legend. "Crimson Tikes" is the brainchild of Anthony Sisco, who is passionate about all things Crimson Tide. Although his career ...
It can get difficult to find the perfect sprinkler for your garden or your lawn. From the traditional sprinklers, tripod sprinklers have appeared as a game-changer in ensuring that your plants and ...
Mixing and matching earrings with other jewellery is an art that requires a little practice and patience. But with a few simple tips and tricks, you can create stunning combinations that will ...
Automatic sprinkler systems may soon be required in newly constructed homes in New York — a move fired-up contractors on Long Island say will only drive up home prices with systems costing as ...
A sprinkler used for small lawns is not the same as those used for large lawns. For example, there are many types of sprinklers but not all of them can handle a large area. So, how do you figure out ...
It also comes with a cutting board, two knives, and a little vegetable peeler. My 3-year-old loves this set and has been playing with it over and over. Well worth the money." —Michael Bower Get ...