The Little Mermaid is a 1989 American animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Based on the Danish fairy tale of the same name ...
Beauty is both deceiving and dangerous in this darkly fascinating twist on Hans Christian Andersen’s classic tale. After archeologist Dr. Eric Prince and his students uncover an ancient pagan temple ...
With musical numbers and charming characters, the enduring magical story first brought to life by 19th century Danish author Hans Christian Andersen is retold with great energy, celebrating love, ...
Each area of Copenhagen offers a little something different, though. Keep reading to learn about each one. Copenhagen is the capital city of Denmark and it’s surrounded by waterways. The city center ...
A quaint little village with stunning views of a harbour ... Dragor, a coastal village located on the island of Amager in Denmark is just a short drive from Copenhagen. Situated around eight ...