These beany fajitas are easy to make and so much cheaper ... Spoon over some of the filling, add a dollop of the yoghurt and a little salsa. Roll up and serve two tortillas per person.
Easy vegan fajitas for a quick midweek meal or as part ... then add the kale and tomatoes. Season with a little salt and lots of black pepper. Cook for 2 minutes, or until the tomatoes are soft.
Usually, I buy a fajita kit, which contains a seasoning mix, salsa (which I'm not a fan of), and tortillas. Yet, this time around, I didn't need to spend as much because the tortilla wraps are ...
Divide the warm chicken fajita mix between the wraps and then spoon over a little salsa. Roll up each tortilla and cut in half, then serve with any remaining salsa spooned alongside. From cold ...