Steve Ricchetti -- the same guy who put his own kid ... SHAWN RYAN: But we went four years! LINDY LI: I know. But she’s the only one who did anything a little bit different.
Other times, they're a little ... Tandem Perch Rig: Double the Action There are times when the action is hot and the fish are thick. When that happens, a tandem perch like the Lindy Old Guide's ...
I prefer the weedless option as I’m typically fishing a wacky rig around heavy cover, laydowns, or docks that are surrounded by grasses like hydrilla and milfoil. The weedless hook might not keep ...
It’s a cliche that needs to be put in a box, wrapped up with duct tape (the cheap gray kind, no sweet colors for this) and buried with used kitty litter.
“He’s just a normal, nice guy,’’ Klim said. “We’ve been seeing each other for a few months and just taking it slow. This is a nice little intro into my world.” Klim and ...
Oil prices settle lower despite ongoing supply disruption concerns By - Oct 11, 2024 1 Oil prices settled lower Friday despite ongoing supply disruption concerns as ...
When Lindy Klim met property developer, Adam Ellis, he seemed almost perfect. The pain of her separation from swimmer, Michael Klim, was fresh, and Adam was showing up for her just the way she needed ...
A Ned rig is a near-nothing bait composed of a small soft-plastic lure rigged on a jig head. And yet if you had to coax a bite from a bass anytime, anywhere, a Ned rig might very well be your best ...
Lindy Ruff turned 65 on Monday, so he can take his AARP card and get all those senior citizen benefits, too. As we all get older and use our wisdom to figure out life's issues, you can imagine how ...