This online platform allows kenyan citizens, Stakeholders and other interested parties to browse through Land data stored and processes undertaken. Ardhi Sasa is integrated with Kenya Revenue ...
Hundreds of land and environmental defenders are threatened, arrested and killed every year for their part in resisting environmental devastation. We record every name and honour their activism.
Open source Terraform module registry with UI, optional Git integration and deep analysis. Demo: ...
Try our new Search AI tool as an alternative to the search below to improve your experience on using artificial intelligence. See the AISearch fact sheet for more information.
You can use the notification form for the letting of properties (I.R.6129) provided by the Department. You will also have other obligations as a property owner or landlord, such as keeping sufficient ...
If you can't complete the order online, you can use the PDF application form and apply by post or in person. Submit your application and payment for a marriage certificate to us: by post to Registry ...