The day is named after “Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace, born Byron”, or Lady Ada Lovelace for short. You can read up more on her life and contribution to computer science at ...
Before starting this film, intrigued as I was by her story, I questioned if Ada Lovelace truly deserved ... She wasn’t a perfectly genteel Victorian lady, but nor was she devoid of geniality ...
Heralded as the world’s first computer programmer, our modern age has a lot to thank Ada Lovelace for. Her remarkable vision and understanding of computing ... the thoughts of Alan Turing who helped ...
Ada Lovelace was a trailblazer of British women in tech. Born the daughter of Lady and Lord Byron in 1815, she was a maths prodigy and friend of Charles Babbage – inventor of the first computer ...
He was helped by another mathematician, a lady called Ada Lovelace – or to give her full name – Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace. A very grand name for a very great mind. She wrote the first ...
Lady King experienced "a tedious and suffering illness, which took months to cure". In 1838, her husband was created Earl of Lovelace. Thus, she was styled "The Right Honourable the Countess of ...