Deepika & Ranveer’s Konkani wedding A few years back Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh got married in an intimate ceremony in Italy’s Lake Como. The wedding rituals were followed as per both ...
We met at Preston Enterprises Kalina of Henry D’Silva, another Konkani director. Ozario had come with his team to canvas for a drama festival of Late Cha. Fra. De’Costa who incidentally was my ...
So, let us go through some nice sources of inspiration for weddings. For her Konkani wedding with Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone embraced her roots and gave us bridal goals in a crimson ...
Deepika Padukone wore a bespoke Sabyasachi saree for her Konkani wedding ceremony. The gorgeous red, rust and gold tissue saree is a classic attire and a typical garment worn by a Konkani bride.