In addition, renowned actress Kajal Aggarwal and starkid Rasha Thadani also turned fan girls witnessing her beauty. For her new photoshoot, Tamannaah wore an anarkali and looked absolutely gorgeous.
Black and white was our latest weekly theme and club members sent in wide variety of photos, including those of animals and well-known local landmarks. Each week camera club members are given a ...
Black and white sesame seeds, derived from the same plant, offer distinct tastes and nutritional benefits. Black sesame seeds boast higher antioxidant and mineral content, promoting bone health ...
Kajal Aggarwal is an Indian actor, who was born in Bombay, Maharashtra. During her college days, Kajal did an internship programme with the famous brand L’Oreal and it was then that her modeling ...
This kajal is a really dark, matte black which is great for a daily kajal look. It’s not wildly expensive, and lasts really long. You get one-swipe, non-patchy black pigment easily with this.
The global eyeliner and kajal sculpting pencil packaging market is poised for significant growth, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5% during the forecast period. The market, ...