“Their internal body temperature fluctuates with the ambient temperature of the environment,” the authors said. “So, higher ambient temperatures would have increased the internal body temperature and ...
Every frame feels purposeful, elevating the storytelling. Kaber Vasuki’s music stands out, especially in the title track, which blends Indian hip-hop to match the film’s tone. As for the ...
蛇王蛇(Vasuki)的属名来自于印度神话中的蛇王婆苏吉(Vasuki),婆苏吉是印度神话中的蛇神(龙神),也是八大龙王之一,实力与地位仅次于千蛇之王舍沙,甚至两者有时被视为是同一化身。婆苏吉是一众龙神那伽的伟大领袖,头上有一颗宝石名为“Nagamani ...
I have had the privilege of working as a journalist—in India, Singapore, and Indonesia—and in senior roles in the public and private sectors at the International Monetary Fund, Monetary ...