The original Code Geass television series premiered in 2006, followed by a sequel series in 2008. The series has inspired various manga and original video anime, including the five-part Code Geass: ...
The live-action Straw Hat Pirates hit the ground floor running when it debuted on Netflix last summer. While there have been more notorious live-action anime adaptations than we can list here, Netflix ...
We talk with an indie game studio with an endless passion for adventure games. "Some great design choices and intuitive transformation make this a lot of fun, but they're really making you pay through ...
Meanwhile, over at Kingsway Mall, the Chinese Graduates Association of Alberta is having its own Lunar New Year celebrations with its own lion dance parade, accompanied by the sound of drums, cymbals ...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man showrunner Jeff Trammell has strongly hinted that The Spectacular Spider-Man and What If...? star Josh Keaton could lend his voice to a character in the ...