時可考慮改裝成航空母艦。帝國海軍在海上使用水上機只是作為對航空母艦的補充。 帝國海軍的第一艘水上機母艦為若宮(英语:Japanese seaplane carrier Wakamiya),其前身本為輸送船,後來於大正3年(1914年)改裝成為水上機母艦。而正式建造的為千歲型,其原因是 ...
Wonderland for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC are the highlights of this week’s Japanese video game releases. Get the full list of this week’s Japanese game releases below.
由海軍少将丸茂邦則(日语:丸茂邦則)指挥,由两艘轻型巡洋舰、水上飛機母艦神川丸(英语:Japanese seaplane tender Kamikawa Maru)和三艘炮艇组成的一支独立的掩护部队(这支部队有时也称为图拉吉支援小组)加入了掩护,支持入侵图拉吉岛的行动。5月 ...
and LEGO Horizon Adventures for PlayStation 5, Switch, and PC are the highlights of this week’s Japanese video game releases. Get the full list of this week’s Japanese game releases below.
Don't use if you don't understand every piece of how it works. This uses lolhack, a payload launcher created by madmonkey. What if PlayStation Classic, but with a game library that's actually fun to ...
CC BY IDKG - I Dont Know Games - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-gVnp4mUT8">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-gVnp4mUT8</a> NFL issues statement on bizarre ...
Japanese electronics giant Sony is set to celebrate 30 years since it launched the PlayStation console, the little gray box that catapulted the firm into the gaming big league. PlayStation was Sony's ...
Sony recently revealed the download rankings for its Japanese PlayStation Store for October 2024. The rankings include five lists, one for each of the PlayStation’s currently available online ...
Japanese officials said Wednesday they are closely watching to see if China keeps its promise to prevent further violations of Japan's airspace after explaining that an incursion by a Chinese ...
The Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) is a Partnership between the Government of Japan (GoJ) and the World Bank conceived in the wake of the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s. It was ...
Local co-op options are not lacking. Unsurprisingly, role-playing games are not an exception, and that includes Western and Japanese projects. PS Plus has action, turn-based, shooter, open-world ...
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