Nahid Mir, 39, from Birmingham, was a size six before falling pregnant with her twins - but gained a considerable amount of ...
C omic legend Jack Kirby will be the subject of a definitive documentary titled Kirbyvision, Variety reports exclusively.
New research casts a scary light on the skyrocketing price of eggs, which have nearly doubled from a year ago and has ...
Jack Kirby the legendary comic book artist is finally getting the documentary he deserves. Kirbyvision is a feature-length ...
Awards season is done. The Oscars and the movies targeted at them are in the rearview mirror, with the focus shifting to ...
Set in a "medieval-ish [...] version of Europe", The Devils is the first instalment in a planned series from fantasy heavyweight Abercrombie.
Kirby is known for his work at Marvel, where he created or co-created many major characters including Captain America, the ...
Note how we said “harder,” though, and not “impossible.” In fact, it’s more than possible to have a co-op game with at least ...
San Antonio's Antarctic Press comic books and memorabilia are up for grabs at the 40th birthday bash featuring big-name ...
Paul McCartney got into Marvel comics when making the 'Venus and Mars' album in the mid-1970s, and they inspired the song 'Magneto And Titanium Man'.
Director Ricki Stern teams with Producers Dan Braun & Josh Braun of Submarine Entertainment, Mike Cecchini, Ron Fogelman, and ...
The 'Kirbyvision' doc will explore the legacy of Jack Kirby, the artist who co-created Captain America and shaped Marvel's ...