The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is urgently appealing for USD 30 million to assist almost 700,000 people ...
A report issued in New York today by the United Nations Secretary-General recommends concrete steps to reduce the risk that ...
The contributions explore key, yet often under-researched, IOM activities including its role in humanitarian ... Columbia University ‘For too long the International Organization for Migration (IOM) ...
Morocco is a champion country of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, thanks to its commitment to saving lives and implementing coordinated efforts to prevent migrants from ...
Bradley, Megan and Erdilmen, Merve 2023. Is the International Organization for Migration legitimate? Rights-talk, protection commitments and the legitimation of IOM. Journal of Ethnic and Migration ...
The Participation, Ownership, and Sustainable Progress for Economic Resilience (PROSPER) initiative, a four-year program, ...