Tomás Regalado wants to shake up the value of homes in Miami-Dade County by adding climate change to the calculation.
With your help, your community can take action too. Urge your mayor to take action on climate change by joining the Earth Hour City Challenge! To avoid the worst effects of climate change, we need to ...
A new study suggests global warming’s effect on GDP has been vastly underestimated. Will it finally break through the ...
The state's lighthouses are threatened by rising sea levels and intense storms – and adapting them to be more resilient is a ...
"I was encouraged that the Omaha City Council voted, in December, to approve the Climate Action and Resilience Plan... but I ...
The federal administration and recalcitrant state leaders must be convinced to pull their heads out of the dirt and face the ...
Some industry observers told ABC News that the ostensible softening toward Trump by big-tech corporations reflects a new ...
Extreme Weather Costs Over $200 Billion Annually The world is bearing the financial brunt of extreme weather, with a ...
Rising global temperatures are threatening Maine's iconic lighthouses, but one organization aims to protect them.
The WECLIMA group studies relationships between regionally impactful weather extremes and large-scale climate variability and change. We also collaborate across disciplines to study impacts on public ...
Climate change is already having a significant impact on ecosystems ... The sooner we act to reduce greenhouse gases, the less severe impacts will be. Now is the time to implement solutions.