是好消息,还是。。。 今天,女朋友给我打电话说她有一个天大的好消息。说我治好了她每个月都会得的那个“病”。FML Today, my girlfriend called and said she had great news. Turns out I've cured her of that illness she gets every month. FML ...
A low altitude economy就是一千米(三千二百八十尺)以下的空中活动,最基本的活动是使用无人机去运送细小包裹。低空飞行的空中的士也被视作低空经济(low altitude economy)之一。香港只处于低空经济(low ...
当剧作家大卫·芬尼根(David Finnigan)在2014年上演了一部名为《杀死气候否认者》(Kill Climate ...
“关上门!”她说。“我们得快一点,拉森狄尔先生。是迈克尔让我写这封信的,有三个人会来杀你——那六个人中的三个。他们会告诉每个人萨普特和弗里茨·冯·塔伦汉姆杀了你。然后迈克尔会登上王位,并且和公主结婚。”安冬纳特美丽的眼睛露出悲哀,低声说,“我不能让他 ...
Six homeowners face the task of a lifetime as they get ready to transform derelict properties into stunning, 21st-century homes.
The US State Department on November 8 issued a statement supporting the so-called act, alleging that it "aligns" Philippine domestic laws with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ...
Inspector Edib and Mido are called to investigate a dead body in the National Museum, but when the body disappears from the ...
当地时间11月14日,在赴利马对秘鲁进行国事访问并出席亚太经合组织第三十一次领导人非正式会议之际,国家主席习近平在《秘鲁人报》发表题为《让中秘友好之船扬帆远航》的署名文章。文章全文如下: ...
5. Nokia's top managers should have had better conversation techniques to encourage internal coordination and truth.
法国知名酒企轩尼诗(Hennessy)计划在中国进行装瓶,以规避中国近期对欧洲白兰地征收的关税。 至于背景,大家都知道的,欧盟投票决定对中国制造的电动汽车征收更高的进口关税。法国一直在推动征收电动汽车关税。
这里叫箭道巷,南北不到1000米的巷子,却有着多元的文化历史。箭道巷因清朝时期是满族官员演习射箭的靶场而得名。 This place is called "Arrow Lane", a lane less than 1000 meters from north to south, yet it boasts a diverse culture and history. Arrow Lane got ...