近日,减重版司美格鲁肽正式在中国上市的消息引起众多关注。提起这种药,就必须提到一种主要由肠道 L 细胞所产生的激素——胰高糖素样肽-1(glucagon-like peptide-1,GLP-1)。该药物正是基于 GLP-1 研发而来。
近日,减重版司美格鲁肽正式在中国上市的消息引起众多关注。提起这种药,就必须提到一种主要由肠道 L 细胞所产生的激素——胰高糖素样肽-1(glucagon-like peptide-1,GLP-1)。该药物正是基于 GLP-1 研发而来。
Misalignment between the brain’s and liver’s circadian clocks, connected by the HVAN, leads to disordered eating and weight ...
Scientists have discovered a new brain neuron that may help to curb hunger signals, potentially offering new means of ...
Disruptions between the brain's master circadian clock and the liver's internal clock, communicated via the hepatic afferent ...
Scientists have uncovered a new neuron type, BNC2, which acts quickly to counter hunger-promoting neurons, potentially ...
This study describes a new analysis strategy to compare active neurons during behavioral tasks across the brain. This is significant because analysing how different brain areas are active during ...
In a paper published in Science Bulletin, a Chinese team of scientists made a significant breakthrough in major depressive ...
这项研究中,研究人员揭示了一条压力诱导的葡萄糖释放的新通路,并为阐明机体的葡萄糖稳态和识别压力相关代谢紊乱的潜在治疗性靶点提供了新的重要见解。综上,本文研究阐明了压力期间机体葡萄糖供应的精确时间尺度,其分别是由肾上腺非依赖性HSL和肾上腺依赖性途径所 ...
Furthermore, other brain regions were positive for HSV-1 antigens, such as the locus coeruleus (LC), raphe nucleus (RaN), and hypothalamus while sparing the hippocampus and cortex. Within each brain ...
The most promising nucleus for a potential nuclear clock is currently thought to be thorium-229, with nuclear excitation states that require photons of about 8 eV, over 200,000 times higher. That ...
According to the University of Washington, “Our internal clock runs in 24-hour cycles and lives in a small part of our brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. Although it ...