Mutations in one of the first human-isolated strains of H5N1 bird flu in the US were identified by the Texas Biomedical ...
This manuscript describes the identification and characterization of 12 specific phosphomimetic mutations in the recombinant full-length human tau protein that trigger tau to form fibrils. This ...
Researchers have described how the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus genetically adapts to humans, including mutations that allow some strains to evade the immune system and become resistant to ...
The role of Charles Xavier has dramatically changed, with even Cyclops confirming the future of mutantkind is now safer ...
You began when egg and sperm met, and the DNA from your biological parents teamed up. Your first cell began copying its newly ...
Columbia researchers created an AI model that predicts gene activity in any human cell, advancing disease research and ...
New research adds to our understanding of the function of the human genome. An international team of researchers has made ...
Researchers have identified nine mutations in a bird flu strain from a person in Texas. Bad news: this strain is more capable of causing disease and replicates better in the brain. Good news: approved ...
Staying a step ahead of the avian influenza virus with surveillance, testing and research could mean the difference between a ...
Wolverine #2 hits stores this Wednesday. Can Wolverine and Daredevil team up to stop a terrorist plot in NYC, or will ...
They come in all shapes and sizes. Some walk, some slither, some fly and some swim. Humans are blessed to share the planet ...