You may also need to know how to use the F1 to F12 keys as part of the keyboard shortcuts. We invite you to take a look at our article on the subject. How do I copy and paste on a Mac computer?
How To Use SCP (Secure Copy) With SSH Key Authentication Your email has been sent Here's how to use the secure copy command, in conjunction with ssh key authentication, for an even more secure ...
Learn what thermal paste is, why it is needed, how to apply it correctly, and how to avoid mistakes that can damage your hardware. Improve your system performance and security.
One icky-but-effective way to clean your keyboard is to invest in cleaning gel (or gum, or slime, or whatever people are calling it these days). The gelatinous adhesive, available in a variety of ...
Type Windows Key + V to open up the clipboard. This will show you your clipboard history, listing out all the items that you have saved to your clipboard. It also provides a thumbnail of them, so you ...
If you have important files on your laptop, copy them elsewhere before reading on. You should also make note of any serial keys you might have, especially for your operating system. If that sounds ...