You can get rid of fruit flies fast effectively—and naturally—with things you probably already have in your kitchen.
An innovative and low-cost project aims to bio-convert food scraps into fertilizer, animal feed and extractable oil using the ...
For example, if you forget to take out the trash, and then go on vacation for a week, you could have fly larvae wiggling around ... to their plump bodies. They breed in animal waste and carcasses.
How does a fly larva sneak into a termite nest? With a butt shaped like a termite’s head, obviously. An international team of researchers in Morocco has discovered blow fly larvae not just ...
“A two-pronged approach of combining insecticide products targeted at different life stages, such as an ear tag for adult ...
At a USDA facility in Kerrville, "pioneering" science has largely ended the threat of the New World screwworm fly.
The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and The Wildlife Trusts are calling on gardeners across the country to help save hoverflies. This fly family is the second most significant pollinator after bees ...
The larvae eventually drop off to the ground ... That undertaking began with his idea to breed flies with some genetic deficiency, which could be released to mate with the normal flies, he ...
For prevention, Kneese advises stocking up on fly control products and maintaining clean pastures and barns. “Having insecticides, traps, and other fly control tools on hand will ensure a quick ...
A team of scientists discovered a species of blow fly (family Calliphoridae) whose larvae can infiltrate colonies of harvester termites in the Anti-Atlas mountains of southern Morocco. The ...
In southeastern Pennsylvania, where 60 percent of U.S. mushrooms are grown, phorid flies are posing a threat to the industry, destroying up to 40 percent of the crop and invading homes. To combat the ...