It always runs around 50 to 60 degrees F so even if your plants grow highly, their leaves will be less burnt than other LEDs. Another factor to consider is germinate seeds indoor is soil. Check our ...
The end of December is time to check your overwintering plants to see if they need just a bit of water. You know, those geraniums stored in the garage, the dahlia tubers tucked away, and abutilon ...
Even if your thumb isn't the greenest, these indoor-friendly plants will thrive in your home's climate, maybe even improve it and look good, all at the same time. For more gardening and plant ...
With its dark green toothy leaves and bright pendulous blooms, the Christmas Cactus is a favorite Yuletide plant. The original plant, genus Schlumbergera, was discovered in Brazil and named ...
The little touches in a home may not seem big, but they have a big impact. Here are the small details in your home you might be overlooking, according to interior designers.