An American sailor said the Portuguese-flagged cargo ship ‘came out of the blue’ as it smashed into his oil tanker ...
A more than 40-mile long conveyor belt filled with sand stretches from the oil fields of West Texas to New Mexico, all for ...
Having just turned 80, the historian and tv presenter feels obliged to speak up about the ‘monstrosity’ of what Donald Trump ...
As Saudi Arabia’s planned megaproject Neom stalls out, a 16-building palace has already taken shape.
In President Donald Trump’s idealized framing, the United States was at its zenith in the 1890s, when top hats and shirtwaists were fashionable and typhoid fever often killed more so ...
Atmospheric chemist Glenn Shaw was for years a scientist and professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical ...
As a symbol of Türkiye’s independence, the First TBMM Building, now the War of Independence Museum, continues to preserve and ...
Glenn Shaw died on Feb. 28, 2025, in Tucson, Arizona. The atmospheric chemist was for years a scientist and professor at the ...
A vast body of research shows that every year, the shift to daylight saving time needlessly exacerbates various health risks, ...