In a parallel world ruled by the sinister Magisterium, a battle rages over a mysterious particle called Dust. Can orphan Lyra stop the fight from spilling over into our time?
Nate must confront his past before it leads to his own destruction. Based on true events, director Damian Harris’ Brave the Dark follows homeless high school senior Nathan Williams (a leather ...
When Mr. Deen discovers one of his students has been living out of his car and thrown into jail, he decides to bail him out. Determined to curb Nate’s self-destructive behavior, Mr. Deen ...
I’ll never forget what my dad said every time the credits rolled on movies like “Brave the Dark ... its subject (Nathan Deen), “Brave the Dark” charts the growing bond between a kind rural ...
Dark Star explores a very simple premise: space travel, for all its groundbreaking and mind-blowing qualities, is actually quite boring. The satirical film follows a crew of astronauts aboard the ...
Whether you're a fan of wild Westerns, cunning detectives, high-swinging superheroes, ravenous zombies, rowdy thieves, or hard-hitting heroines, Netflix has a movie ... and packed full of action.