In "Girls Will Be Girls", directed by Shuchi Talati, Kusruti plays Anila, a woman whose unfulfilled coming-of-age experience is interlinked with the rebellious awakening of her 16-year-old daughter ...
Airtel Digital TV Hindi Entertainment 1M 91 Channels 1 Month ₹289 Airtel Digital TV Hindi Basic HD 6M 75 Channels 6 Months ₹1,199 Airtel Digital TV Hindi Ultimate 1M 134 Channels 1 Month ₹364 Airtel ...
Western Coalfields Limited today concluded the meeting of the Official Language Implementation Committee under the chairmanship of Chairman-cum-Managing Director Shri J.P. Dwivedi. Director (Finance) ...
As a large number of prison officials failed to meet even basic standards, the results put a scanner on the effectiveness ... And, what stands out glaringly is the language results in the Hindi ...