The U.S. stock market's artificial intelligence boom is facing a setback. On March 3, Nvidia, a leading AI stock, dropped 8.69%, dragging the Nasdaq down 2.64%. The Dow Jones and S&P 500 also fell, by ...
From east to west, and north to south, all roads lead to Guangdong! Today marks the Guangdong delegation's open day at the Two Sessions. The provincial Party secretary has taken on the role of "Chief ...
经济观察报 记者 王雅洁 尽管融资条件困难,德国初创企业数量仍在逆势增加。2025年初,德国初创企业协会统计数据显示,当地2024年有2766家初创企业成立,比2023一年(2498家)多出约11%。德国联邦外贸与投资署(德意志联邦共和国经济发展机构 ...
On its first day of trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Mixue’s stock price surged by a whopping 43.2%, closing at ...
U.S. President Donald Trump announced that additional Canadian and Mexican goods complying with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) would receive a one-month tariff exemption. However, ...
In 2024, China's economic growth was broad-based, with all key sectors showing strong performance. Grain production hit a ...
近日, 科顺股份 ( 300737 )集团董事长陈伟忠携团队抵达美国得克萨斯州,受邀拜访世界能源行业标杆企业——埃克森美孚 (ExxonMobil)全球总部,开启了一场聚焦技术创新、绿色转型与战略协同的深度对话。
In addition to Shenzhen, other cities across China, including Beijing, Chengdu and Wuhan, have also introduced similar ...
目前我们约 30% 晶圆产能都是外包,这可能已经是外包比例峰值。相比一年前力求归零的战略,当前调整为长期维持部分外包。台积电作为优质供应商,能与英特尔代工部门形成良性竞争。我们正在评估 15%-20% 的外包比例区间,并继续在新战略下使用外部代工资源。