Designed to identify superior Hereford-influenced feeder cattle, the Hereford Advantage program now offers additional benefits to add value to feeder cattle. With these enhancements, cattlemen using ...
weaned calves and young bulls in the market. But it was replaced by silence around an hour later when auctioneers confirmed the sale of the best beast and last cow. Hereford's livestock market ...
A landlord has won a battle to keep a mural of a Hereford bull on the side of his 400-year-old pub, as long as he makes it look like a farm. Martin Peel was stunned when he was ordered to remove ...
For more than 150 years, sales were conducted at the city market site in Hereford, now home to a shopping development. Cattle pens at Hereford Cattle Market in the 1960s (Image: Hereford Times) ...
Stud and commercial beef producers from four states were able to select performance genetics from one of the single biggest offerings of Hereford bulls across the nation this year at the Yavenvale ...
Stud and commercial beef producers from four states were able to select performance genetics from one of the single biggest offerings of Hereford bulls across the nation this year at the Yavenvale ...
Archie Ladd’s 3⁄4 Hereford, 1⁄4 Brahman heifers are bred to Angus bulls, which yields black baldy calves with an increase in hybrid vigor and carcass quality for his heifer customers. Selling ...
A home-bred sire has proven his worth at the 32nd Glenellerslie Hereford bull sale, Adelong, on Tuesday, February 11, siring the two equal top-priced bulls.
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It was a bright, sunny, but cold day for the 35th Annual Stroh Hereford Ranch-Ready Production sale. Ranch Ready bulls are what this outfit prides themselves in. Bulls that are in great working ...