An unusual medieval gold seal with a gemstone engraved with an elephant carrying a castle on its back has been added to a museum's collection. Discovered by a metal detectorist near King's Lynn, ...
Archaeologist Helen Geake, who serves as a “finds liaison officer” for the antiquities program, said that it was likely made in England – “English craftsmen were by far the best in Europe ...
Treasure expert Helen Geake described the find as one of "probably less than a dozen in the country" and "only the fifth" on the British Museum's Portable Antiquities database. The late 6th to ...
County finds liaison officer Helen Geake said scoops were "really, really hard to date", but a line of dots punched along its "barley twist" handle suggested to her it is later medieval rather ...
County finds liaison officer Helen Geake said: "We couldn't make head nor tale of it, but Malcom Jones suggested it was a rhyming couplet in French." It measures 28mm by 22mm (1.1in x 0.8in ...
County finds liaison officer Helen Geake said: "We couldn't make head nor tale of it, but Malcom Jones suggested it was a rhyming couplet in French." The inscription around its circumference reads ...