A new investigation reveals that many plant-based, organic, and chocolate-flavored protein powders contain high levels of ...
Lead and other toxic heavy metals have been found in dangerously elevated amounts in some commercial baby foods sold in the ...
A doctor last week encouraged people to be on alert for the symptoms of heavy metal poisoning, after a woman returning from China was found to have ... possibly contributing to the development of ...
I’ve always passed detox trends off as phony wellness fads. When I started to hear about the dangers of heavy metal toxicity, my feelings began to change. I was first introduced to the concept ...
These heavy metals have been linked to cancer, chronic disease and neurotoxic effects, but it’s the damage that can be done to a developing child’s brain that makes baby food toxicity so ...
Heavy metal poisoning is a significant problem for many people, making it critical to implement heavy metal detoxing into a structured wellness program. It’s believed that toxic heavy metal exposure ...