Political cartooning is “sort of a negative art, but sometimes you can do a [positive] cartoon and you never know what’s going to happen and how it’s going to be received,” Luckovich said ...
Frehley is the best guard dog. He's not guarding the house from strangers mind you. Nope. Instead the Havanese was blocking anyone trying to sneak a peek at their Christmas gift. And it's so ...
Dogs and cats have a reputation for being each other's worst enemy, but the truth is that when introduced the right way, they can not only live together without any issues, but they can become ...
The history of recorded music is now at our fingertips. But the streamer’s algorithmic skill at giving us what we like may keep us from what we’ll love. English continues to expand into ...
From there, it was just a few millenniums to puppy yoga and dog influencers. But the details of exactly how and when wolves were tamed and domesticated remain up for intense debate. “There’s ...
With a population over 15 million, Baladi dogs are everywhere—and often mistreated or killed. But that’s starting to change. The Egyptian god Anubis is often shown with the head of a dog in ...