You know you should develop a regular exercise routine, but you lack motivation. Promises to yourself are quickly broken, and you never establish enough of the workout habit to experience any rewards.
Hartford (Conn.) HealthCare is partnering with AI-driven health platform K Health to launch a new virtual primary care service, HHC 24/7. The service, set to debut April 1, will integrate advanced ...
Health and ambulance services are joining another weekend of big events in Hawke’s Bay, staging a large-scale Saturday-morning emergency at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital in ...
The perpetrator has encrypted your systems, locked you out, and demanded an unreasonable ransom. Our tabletop exercise was designed to explore issues that help prepare for a real breach. From a ...
HARTFORD, Ala (WDHN) — A vote to bring Hartford a full-time police chief has been postponed. Mayor Wendell Nolan and the city council postponed Tuesday night’s vote because their leading candidate for ...
After horror stories from changing rooms in hotels and malls with hidden cameras, several videos of women being examined at a maternity hospital in Gujarat have been uploaded to YouTube and ...
Rallies were held in Washington, D.C. and in cities around the country, including Hartford and New Haven. “Basically, fight for all of our rights, not just my own rights but the rights of ...
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has conducted a table-top exercise with Indonesia and Malaysia to enhance regional coordination and strengthen response capabilities for oil spills.