Transforming your kitchen windowsill into a vibrant green oasis is easier than you might think! As a passionate gardener, I can't wait to share some of my favorite houseplants that thrive in the ...
Greenleaf Fresh has appointed administrators, citing recent financial challenges. The company was behind Greengrower, a vertical farm in Hamilton that received millions in public funding last year for ...
Staff at the Cairns Botanic Gardens have been battling against the tiny Orchidophilus aterrimus, which has been threatening their rare and renowned orchid collection. The weevils damage a plant's ...
Nature-friendly gardening seems to be graduating from a mere trend to a lasting and widespread mainstream movement. That’s the prevailing development that gardening trend-watchers see as we head ...
Orchids are most likely to be in the homes of houseplant lovers as they are typically a top pick among indoor gardening enthusiasts. Orchids are low-maintenance, yet with the proper care ...
As frigid, winter weather swirls outside the Denver Botanic Gardens and its greenhouses, hundreds of spring and summer orchids will take the stage during a month-long showcase starting in January.
After her POTS diagnosis, Ms Waddington discovered gardening and developed a passion for pigface, which she has made a business out of growing. Ms Waddington has a pre-order list for her plants ...
The habitat of Chlorohiptage vietnamensis is being destroyed for the manufacture of cement. Truong VanDo. 8) Five new spectacular orchids from around Indonesia The orchid family (Orchidaceae) is one ...
According to Homer Farms' website, vertical farms utilize less water, land and fertilizer than conventional gardening. The one-year lease begins in January and the city may choose to extend the ...