"Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" is swinging to screens this month on Disney+! The new, 10-episode animated series from Marvel Animation follows Peter Parker on his journey to become a hero.
A Marvel Rivals player recreated a scene from Spider-Man: Web of Shadows mid-match for laughs. The player's recreation became a meme, with allies and opponents being amused by the stunt.
Spider-Man hilariously outplays The Punisher in a Marvel Rivals match, earning community applause. Spider-Man's kit in Marvel Rivals gives him impressive mobility, making him hard to track for ...
RELATED: Do you use more fuel at higher speeds? Not many people would be able to keep their cool if they found a spider or snake while driving, but what if creepy crawlies were not only in the car ...
In fact, he apparently had a terrible weekend because of those rumors. Currently, though, he is being scrutinized for a video he posted on his TikTok account which featured an actress from MCU’s ...