Just like the animated film, Blood: The Last Vampire follows Saya (Jun Ji-hyun), a half-human, half-vampire tasked with killing dangerous vampires. Her goal throughout the film is to defeat the ...
Set in war-torn 14th-century Europe, this upcoming game tells a medieval fantasy tale full of danger and urgency as players control a half-human, half-vampire hybrid known as a Dawnwalker. The game is ...
Rose Hathaway is a dhampir, a half-human, half-vampire hybrid whose life mission is to protect the moroi (mortal vampires). In particular, Rose has sworn her life to protect her best friend, Lissa, ...
Animated films based on a series of Japanese novels written by Hideyuki Kikuchi and illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano about a half vampire\half human called D who wanders through a far-future post ...
So who better to take on vampires in the Marvel universe? No, not Morbius. It’s undeniably the legendary half-vampire, half-human vampire hunter, Blade. Now, given we have a season with vampires ...