Keep the room temperatures no cooler than about 15 C or the plant will go dormant. Ficus can be susceptible to spider mite — ...
Pruning trees ensures they remain healthy, safe, and beautiful. An important part of maintaining trees is trimming them at ...
San Diego has the perfect set of environmental conditions for fig trees to thrive. Gardeners who want a fig tree in their ...
If you want to grow your own fruit but don't have a lot of outdoor space, these are the best compact trees that are perfect ...
In the leafy streets of Clovelly, a suburb in Sydney’s east, a community is rallying to save a piece of their local ...
According to the latest information released by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC), over 30 fungicide selective targets have been identified and acknowledged in the field of fungicide ...
Gardeners and tree stewards take note!The Astoria Food Pantry, at 25-28 Steinway St., is branching into new territory from 1 to 2 p.m. March 16, with the area’s first-ever fig ...
In 1897, author Mark Twain responded to an article in the New York Journal reporting he was on his deathbed by writing to the ...
The historic first tree that started the christmas tree lane tradition ... Is coming to the end of its life.But its legacy ...
Extensive pruning is best done over a period of two to three years to lessen shock to the tree, with no more than one-third ...
With 4.7 acres of canopy coverage (19,000 square meters) supported by 1,000 individual trunks this banyan is a living wonder ...