However, this can be less so if you have borders full of nettles or brambles - and let's face it, most gardeners would rather ...
Chickweed. Phyllanthus. Catbriar and more. These unwanted guests are popping up in our yards. Here's what you need to know to get rid of them.
Cherokee rose, or rosa laevigata, is the official Georgia state flower. The flower is native to eastern Asia, though it is ...
Growing fruiting apple trees in your yard? Consider growing these companion plants nearby to help ensure you enjoy a ...
Each weed you prevent from going to seed is a major accomplishment! Chickweed, which forms a bright green mat over the ... Whether their flowers are yellow or brown, you want them to be gone.
Annual bluegrass will not take over your lawn. It is a cool-season annual that will die off completely and disappear by late ...
Israel boasts a wide variety of ecological systems: deserts and marshes, high mountains, dense forests, and open fields with ...
Hellebore cultivars provide interest from the darkest days of winter into the new growing year, writes Paul Maher.
Fertilization of gardens and landscapes typically begins in April after soils have warmed. With fertilization, one size (or ...
Our aquatic plant specialist explains the differences between invasive and native milfoils, why native milfoils are important ...
Onions have been cultivated for over 5,000 years, and they have been used, not only for food, but for medicine for various ...