Donald’s Quacky Duck City was at Tokyo Disneyland Park from April 9, until June 26, 2024. The event featured Donald-centric décor, food, entertainment, and even nearby hotel rooms, plus the Tokyo ...
One of Disney’s most recognisable characters is Donald Duck. With his fiery temper, semi-intelligible speech, and signature sailor suit, he holds a special place in the hearts of Disney fans.
‘Exponentially worse’: Immigrant rights groups brace for second Trump term Immigrant rights groups fear harsh policies and potential legal pressure could accelerate in second Trump term.
President-elect Donald J. Trump’s team will have some formal briefings with outgoing staff members, but it has so far refused to allow the F.B.I. to do security clearances for transition members.
Every outrage and insult can’t be a five-alarm fire, as it’s critical for the media to stay focused on the most serious threats to America’s democratic institutions.