The new story follows the heroic efforts of the crypto-zoological agency Monarch as its members face off against a battery of god sized monsters, including the mighty Godzilla, who collides with ...
King Ghidorah also makes an appearance here, though the titular Gigan (who newer Godzilla fans might not be familiar with) makes the biggest impression of all the non-Godzilla monsters.
King of the Monsters (2019). Except for the original film, in which the monster is a metaphor for the devastation caused by the US in Japan, Showa period Godzilla movies are typically light-hearted.
Sometimes, great trailers come out of terrible movies. It’s not wizardry how this happens: even the most abysmal movie can look appealing with just the right editing or condensing. Detached from a ...
On Thursday, the Hollywood Reporter unveiled Godzilla vs. Marvel, the publisher’s first crossover with the character since 1977’s Godzilla, King of the Monsters. This new event is a series of ...
And, given how the reactions to the monster’s design panned out, less was way, way more for Godzilla. In the end, the critical thrashing Emmerich’s movie took is what did it in for the ...