"श्रीश्च ते लक्ष्मीश्च पत्न्यौ अहोरात्रे पार्श्वे। नक्षत्राणि रूपं अश्विनौ व्यात्तमुखौ॥" (Shri and Lakshmi are your consorts, ...
An Indian toddler born with four arms and four legs was recovering in the intensive care unit early Wednesday after surgeons in India successfully completed a mammoth 27-hour operation to remove her ...
Birth Story of Goddess Laxmi According to the Bhagavada Purana, Goddess Laxmi was born during the churning ... the elixir of immortality. Goddess Lakshmi was among the divine treasures and beings ...
The music activities and resources explore an ancient Hindu story about the goddess Lakshmi and a clever washerwoman who spies an opportunity when the Queen's new necklace comes into her possession.
Thereafter they prayed to Goddess Lakshmi urging her to be born as their daughter on earth. The Goddess, impressed by their dedication, was born as Princess Lakshmi in the Chola dynasty. She was a ...