Treatment and recovery services in Spokane County are being enhanced, thanks to funds from an opioid settlement with ...
Nanobubbles (NBs) are tiny gas cavities with diameters around 200 nm that remain stable in solution due to their unique properties, including low buoyancy and negative surface charges. Ammonium ...
The inhaled anesthetics affect many receptors (e.g., GABA A, glycine, acetylcholine, serotonin, NMDA) in manners that plausibly could explain anesthesia. Which receptors mediate anesthesia remains ...
A new study reveals that anxiety and apathy lead to fundamentally different patterns in decision-making under uncertainty. Anxious individuals perceive their environment as highly volatile, leading ...
Discover the truth about creatine supplementation and its link to acne. Debunking common myths and separating fact from ...
除了上文中浅析的首创性小分子药物, 本年度批准上市的新药还有多款值得深入挖掘和分析, 例如, 显像药物氟 [18F]比哒嗪 (flurpiridaz F18)是用于心肌缺血和梗死诊断评估的新型正电子发射断层扫描心肌灌注成像示踪剂; IDH1/2双重抑制剂伏昔尼布 (vorasidenib)则是几十年来首个用于神经胶质瘤治疗的新分子, ...