Swiss scientists at Empa have made glow-in-the-dark wood, thanks to a bioluminescent Desarmillaria tabescens honey fungus. In research published on September 12, wood samples were combined with the ...
In this article, we delve into the intriguing discovery that has scientists buzzing and raises questions about the role of this bizarre glow in the life of the platypus. Platypus swimming. Image by ...
Glowworm: These larvae of beetles produce a blue-green light to attract insects, which they trap in sticky silk threads. Deep-sea Creatures: Many deep-sea animals, like certain species of jellyfish ...
"For there to be a relatively large, unique, and glowing animal that is in a previously unknown family really underscores the importance of using new technology to catalog this vast environment." ...
"All other weekends are totally sold out and so we hope this gives people who missed out this weekend the opportunity to rebook and enjoy the magic of Glow Marwell, which plays such a vital role in ...
It is monogamous aquatic creatures, illuminate Japan's Toyama Bay coast during mating season, displaying stunning bioluminescent displays and highlighting their limited lifespans. A crab, a vital ...