The GE9X may be the largest turbofan ever built, but by just how much does it surpass its mighty predecessor, the GE90?
Some of the longest passenger planes in the world are real giants. Right now, the longest plane is the Boeing 747-8 at 250 ft ...
飞友消息,波音公司最后一架777-300ER客机已经于2024年12月5日被交付给了埃塞俄比亚航空公司。这架飞机原系中国南方航空公司的订货,出厂于2020年,当时分配的国内注册号是B-20E7。但由于疫情爆发,南航未接收。在沙漠里存放多年之后,被埃塞 ...
Kaiser Permanente pushed its annual operating revenues to new heights last year thanks to the addition of its value-based care subsidiary Risant Health. The integrated nonprofit health system ...
She said, interest rate cuts and improving business confidence had helped to turn that around, even while the labour market remained weak. "$115b of property is a lot of property, especially given ...