Tolstoy's writing is introspective yet universal, portraying the grand scope of human existence with unparalleled depth. Dostoevsky: The Psychologist of the Human Soul If Tolstoy is the master of epic ...
近日,电影《哪吒之魔童闹海》持续引发热议,截至2月18日晚20时,《哪吒2》已成为全球动画票房榜第1名、全球影史票房榜第8名。 2月18日,周星驰在个人社交平台发文,连发10遍“我要看哪吒2”!周星驰称:“《哪吒2》这周六22号在香港公映,入场的基本配置 ...
Both Zosima and Aleksei (in that order; the latter seems to take up the mantle of the former as the book goes on) are used as objective lenses of total good by Dostoevsky. Whatever the decision ...