A baby elephant with its leg trapped in a snare was rescued in Thailand. Wildlife officers found the injured calf while patrolling the Khao Soi Dao Wildlife Sanctuary in Chanthaburi province on ...
The eggs hatch into maggots that then burrow into the wound to feed on living flesh before emerging as adult screwworm flies. The CDC says infestations are very painful and that maggots could be ...
New World screwworms are larvae or maggots of the NWS fly (Cochliomyia hominivorax), that cause a painful condition known as NWS myiasis. NWS flies lay eggs in open wounds or orifices of live ...
The name screwworm is thought to refer to how the fly's maggots feed: by burrowing into an open wound “like a screw being driven into wood,” according to a brochure from the service.